Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mommy to the 'Mom-to-be' - Chapter 2

It is often said that 'you realize a mom's outlook only when you become one'; I am about to be one soon but still am unable to comprehend the level of selflessness that she can exhibit. Mothers toil beyond their physical and emotional stamina to ensure their child is happy, healthy, safe and successful. Their contentment lies in the peaceful sleep their children get, the fulfilling cheer their children radiate, the praise,victory, promotion their children achieve; all that is possessed by their children is somehow gained and celebrated by mothers.

Like any other growing kid, there had been times when I was so angered with my mom that I, foolishly, even dedicated some lyrical laments to her ! But that or anything else could never defy the love flowing in our veins for each other. My mapa have always meant world to me, and my pregnancy has reaffirmed that if I am any good or capable of anything from being a worker, wife or women, its all their achievement. I mean mirror to them, and they have put their sweat and blood to ensure the best possible reflection

During my entire pregnancy, I have had a concrete support from mapa who made sure that while being a good wife, I was always comfortable, eating right, exercising well, medically fit and happy to serve the best gestation period; having heard and read varied pregnancy challenges that people face, I wonder how it were to be pregnant without mom living with me, as truly speaking I had none. Its not that we never had arguments or disagreements on what would be right for the baby or even the child' future, but now when I silently rethink about those discussions I thank mom for all the perspectives she knowingly or unknowingly imparted.

Its embarrasing as well as amazing to realize that at times, unknowingly, we do emotionally violate our parents, but the unmistakable confidence in their upbringing never makes them look down upon us.

I always knew and acknowldged that if there was a recipe to cook the person/being/thinker I am, it would have 60% of my mom, 30% of my dad and only 10% of rest of the world, yet I doubt if I can ever be even an iota of the Godliness resplendent in mommy to this 'mom-to-be' !

Saturday, September 2, 2017

'Mom-to-be' in Me - Chapter 1

Each human has DNA so long that could uncoil up till Pluto and back, nerve cells that need 3000 years to be counted, yet all this and much more is created in a small womb in a time span of merely 9 months, like a bleep in universe. Though reproducing is natural for every living creature on the planet, yet each being senses a uniqueness for oneself. I too have my own unique little journey traversed so far.

November 2016 saw us complete 5 tangy wedlocked years filled with thrills and frills, we had checked many adventurous trips, tasks and travels in our bucket list, and now it was time to take a break and get into wordly matters for next some years. After a perfect celebration of our 5th anniversary at Anadaman and Nicobar, we took the conscious decision to take the leap of parenthood. One fine day in the next few months, I had 2 paralleled positive lines on pregnancy test kit, we were bestowed with the tiny marvel of a sprouting life in my womb.

I have always been astonished by babies for the package of miracles they are, but never have I had the courage to be playful with them; for the fear of responsibilities they impose, to be handled with care, to not to be taught wrong, to be respected yet restricted, to pamper yet discipline; children translated complications to me. And here I am today, counting days to hug and cuddle my own bundle of complexities.

Tiny socks that should not itch; small caps that should not tickle; cot-&-crib that should be comfortable; diapering that should not trouble; clothes that should be easy to put on; such is my browsing trail these days. Reading babycare blogs, sanitizing each corner of house, nesting and shopping for the baby, are coming naturally to me. Being in 9th month of pregnancy my only agenda these days is to be ready for the new human being I am soon to give birth to !